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“The Endless Column” is the work of Brâncuși. It inspired us in creating the third artistic concept, “The Infinite Column,” by Dan Munteanu. We produce Clipband so that you can endlessly wrap. The Infinite Column Video Quality is our company’s asset, which is why we have invested in a modern and efficient production line. Our...

We are on the market in Mongolia

The only manufacturer of smart packaging closing solutions for the food industry and beyond, Clip band, part of Nova Pan Group from Brașov, concludes a partnership with the company Talkh Chikher JSC, the largest producer of bread in Mongolia. Clipband quality guarantee from Nova Pan Company Talkh Chikher JSC since its establishment in 1984, until now, it has been continuously...

This is the message we want to transmit, by introducing the second concept form the artistic triptych, imagined by the artist Dan Munteanu. We have the ability to supply Clipband around “The Globe”. Video-The Globe With over 120,000 km of Clipband produced so far, we cover 95% of the domestic market, but we also have...

Clipband – a universal product Technology leaves its mark on the world we live in, in the most diverse ways, facilitating the activity in many fields. We set out to use our accumulated knowledge and technology to highlight our creative side. We developed an artistic project in which we tried to find other uses for...

Packing fresh fruits and vegetables

Clipband currently represents in Romania, a solution for packaging bakery and pastry products. However, it can be a SMART solution for closing the packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables, various mixes, teas and coffee, as well as other products from various industries. Packaging recommendations For closing preformed bags with the help of manual or automatic...

Packaging in various industries

Clipband currently represents in Romania, a solution for packaging bakery and pastry products. However, it can be a SMART solution for closing the packaging of various non-food products: DIY materials, toys, gardening, candles, electrical, electronics, installations, IT, decorative objects, other handicrafts, clothes, shoes and custom products. Recommendations on the packaging of various products, accessories To...

Packaging of tea, coffee and other specialties

Clipband currently represents in Romania, a solution for packaging bakery and pastry products. However, it can be a SMART solution for closing packaging for tea, coffee, dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, sugar, powders. Recommendations on the packaging of various specialties In the field of sealing the packaging of tea, coffee, fruits, vegetables and...

Packaging of pastries, confectionery

Clipband currently represents in Romania, a solution for packaging bakery products. However, it can be a SMART solution for closing packaging for pastries and confectionery: cakes, croissants, donuts, muffins, macarons, puff pastry, pies, biscuits, cakes, sweets. Recommendations on the packaging of pastries, confectionery In the field of confectionery and confectionery, it is recommended to use...

Packing products in the bakery

Clipband is a SMART solution for closing the packaging of bakery products: bread, bagel, buns, bars, milling products, grains. Recommendations on packaging in the bakery In the field of baking, for lightweight products or for a lighter packaging, when closing the bags it is recommended to use the 0.6 mm clipband, available in rolls of...

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    Nova Pan Group oferă soluții profesionale în domeniile morărit, panificație, cofetărie, patiserie, ciocolaterie și gelaterie. Din 2001.

    © 2023 Nova Pan Group. Toate drepturile rezervate.

    Echipamente pentru morărit, panificație, patiserie, cofetărie, ciocolaterie, gelaterie.

    Magazin cu peste 10.000 de articole (accesorii, ustensile si materii prime) pentru brutarii, patiserii, cofetarii, ciocolaterii, gelaterii.

    Soluții pentru închiderea ambalajelor. Unic producător în România.

    Echipamente diverse și linii destinate prelucrării ouălor.

    Reductoare și motoreductoare pentru orice domeniu de activitate.

    Sursă de informare pentru brutari, patiseri, cofetari, ciocolatieri, gelatieri.

    Soluția optimã pentru creșterea duratei de viață a divizoarelor și lamelor de feliere.

    Soluționarea promptă și eficientă pentru Service, Montaje, Piese de Schimb sau Consumabile.