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Did-you-know?Packaging of pastries, confectionery

July 22, 2021

Clipband currently represents in Romania, a solution for packaging bakery products.

However, it can be a SMART solution for closing packaging for pastries and confectionery: cakes, croissants, donuts, muffins, macarons, puff pastry, pies, biscuits, cakes, sweets.

Recommendations on the packaging of pastries, confectionery

In the field of confectionery and confectionery, it is recommended to use the 0.6 mm clipband, available in a 500 m roll, to close the preformed bags with the help of manual or automatic clipping machines, in the case of lightweight products or for a lighter packaging. The clipband is reusable and can withstand a minimum of 9 closures / openings.

For customers with small or seasonal productions in the field of confectionery and confectionery, it is advisable to use 0.6 mm pre-cut tape, available in a box of 500 pieces, to close lightweight packaging or for a lighter packaging. The clipband is reusable, resistant to a minimum of 9 closures / openings.

The clipband for closing packages (roll or pre-cut) is made of plastic – polypropylene and is reinforced on the edges with two metal inserts. The roll clip allows the date (production / expiration) and batch to be written in ink, using alphanumeric characters, on a printable surface of 5 × 18 mm, together with the operation of closing the clip by means of clipping machines.

The advantages of packaging in pastry, confectionery

Among the advantages of using Clipband tapes are the firm closure due to the insertion of the double wire, but also the preservation of the aroma and freshness of the products that require frequent closing / opening.

The clipband is available in a variety of colors to highlight the range of products packaged with it: white, yellow, red, blue, green, gold, silver, transparent.

Clipband production does not have high production costs, which leads to an insignificant cost per closure, resulting in an efficient solution for packaging with clipband of a diverse range of products.

SMART solution for closing the package

Novapan has an important share of customers in Romania. But we also have clients from Europe, USA, Australia, Egypt, Georgia, etc., having the possibility to deliver clipband worldwide.

Clipband is a registered trademark of Nova Pan Brașov and is the only manufacturer in Romania. It is a product that offers safety, efficiency and elegance of packaging, preservation and protection of food in hygienic-sanitary conditions.

The clipband is produced on a modern and high-performance production line. The raw material used is carefully selected. Each batch of clipband is checked and inspected in terms of quality, but also tested, by sampling, by the clipping machines, respecting the traceability rules of the raw material and the finished product.

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